
DiffQuik stained lymph node aspirate showing macrophage with negative staining rod-like structures (later confirmed as Mycobacterium avium intracellulare).
Cytopathology involves the study of cells to diagnose disease states, i.e. malignancy, infectious diseases, etc. Instead of examining tissues as in histology, cytopathology utilizes smear preparations, cytospin preparations, cell block preparations and liquid based preparatory methodology to evaluate cells.
Cytopathology is divided into gynecologic and nongynecologic exfoliative cytology and fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) cytology. The Pap test is the primary gynecologic test evaluated. The Pap is collected by a physician or other medical provider and either smeared on a glass slide, sprayed fixed with alcohol and transported to the laboratory for staining or collected in a liquid based collection media (ThinPrep or Surepath Pap tests). ThinPrep liquid based Pap tests are processed, stained and evaluated at Passavant Hospital in Jacksonville, IL; whereas Surepath Pap tests are processed, stained and evaluated at Memorial Medical Center in Springfield, IL and Decatur Memorial Hospital in Decatur, IL. Nongynecologic cytopathology refers to the collection and evaluation (primarily for malignancy or infectious organisms) of cellular specimens from urine, sputum, bronchoscopy, body fluids, etc. Fine needle aspiration cytology is obtained with a skinny needle (21 gauge or smaller) from palpable or nonpalpable lesions. Cytopathologists work with interventional radiologists at all three hospitals to provide adequacy interpretations on aspirates obtained utilizing ultrasound, CT or angiography. Cytopathologists also perform FNAB on inpatients and outpatients as well as assist other medical practitioners (general surgeons, ENT surgeons, oncologists, endocrinologists etc) with adequacy assessment from palpable nodules and masses (i.e. thyroid, lymph nodes etc).